Două piese de teatru în limba engleză, The Best for the Dead and Traces of Darkness, semnate de Evra Gart, prima ieșind cu iz balzacian din catacombele Bucureștilor, cea de-a doua purtând amprenta personajelor Agathei Christie, vă vor ține cu sufletul la gură și, la final, vă vor stârni curiozitatea de a le vedea jucate pe o scenă de teatru. Cuvintele Patriziei Monaco, din deschiderea volumului, vă vor introduce în stilul abordat de dramaturgul Evra Gart:
“When he entered my drama class, I realized that Evra was different from the others, not only because he was a foreigner, but also because of the vastness of his theatrical culture. Then I read the first drafts of his plays and noticed the strength of his writing personality.
The texts send one thinking of postmodernism and the theatre of the absurd, then elegantly break away to enter original territories.
Agatha (Christie) meets her characters, it’s not just a “metatheatrical play”, it continues into the depths of reality/fiction, where she digs deep, goes in a happy manner as in a “play” game.
“Children of the sun” live underground and here Gorky is a starting point or reflection of our days, the cynical exploitation of others that has always existed and will be noticed as an indictment.
Evra Gart’s theatre does not conceive of Sikh[1] clashes, it does not want to please at all costs.
An authentic theatre as Brecht would have written, non-digestible.”
Patrizia Monaco
[1]Sikh – Hindu religious doctrine, meaning disciple, also in this language.
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